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How The Services are Rendered
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Legal Advice Office "ARGUS" / Services / How The Services are Rendered
Legal Advice Office "ARGUS"
The Saint-Petersburg Bar
+7 (812) 740-72-71
about us services offshore companies publications payment contacts

How The Services are Rendered

Legal aid can be granted only under client's application and after the contract or agreement is concluded. The way of granting determining by both parties — client and lawyer.

The leading way of granting services (the first aid) is consultation for the concrete question. Such consultations help the Client to make sure of correctness of actions carried out by him or on the contrary, help to choose other lawful and more effective way of behavior in the circumstances.

The services can be granted either in our office or in client's office. Also we can provide services though Internet. The negotiation can take place in our office.

The lawyer renders a legal aid and on other questions, being guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and rules of international law. Whet it is necessary we use law of other countries — for this reason the lawyer study the applicable law, translate the text and give them a legal interpretation.

The services are granted (as a rule) at the day when application received. But sometimes there can be a longer time, because of the objective causes — the difficulty of the task, preparation of the written conclusion, the lawyer is in legal proceedings, etc.

We always ask our clients to make a telephone conversation with our Office before you visit us (please find our tel at the section "CONTACTS"). This is just to except any unreasonable expend of time of our clients.

The way of payment is determined by the client and lawyer. The basic terms you can find at the section "PAYMENT".

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